- تاریخ ثبتنام
- 6/1/22
- ارسالیها
- 13,927
- پسندها
- 49,924
- امتیازها
- 96,908
- مدالها
- 162
- نویسنده موضوع
- مدیر
- #1
Pipe Nightmare

Interior View of SCP-015
Special Containment Procedures
SCP-015 is impossible to move, and is contained on-site. A gap of at least 2 m (6 ft) needs to be maintained around the entire structure containing SCP-015 at all times, and no structures of any kind are to make contact with SCP-015's current containment structure. Exploration is permissible, but only in teams of three (3)...
لطفا برای مشاهده کامل مطالب در انجمن ثبت نام کنید.