نگار 1373 نویسنده انجمن نویسنده انجمن تاریخ ثبتنام 3/9/17 ارسالیها 1,166 پسندها 19,447 امتیازها 41,073 مدالها 24 سطح 25 16/3/25 #11 Your browser does not support the audio element. We’re leaving together But still it’s farewell And maybe we’ll come back To earth who can tell I guess there is no one to blame We’re leaving ground ? ...Will things ever be the same again Final countdown - Europe امضا : نگار 1373 نگار 1373 نویسنده انجمن نویسنده انجمن تاریخ ثبتنام 3/9/17 ارسالیها 1,166 پسندها 19,447 امتیازها 41,073 مدالها 24 سطح 25 دوشنبه ساعت 18:10 #12 Your browser does not support the audio element. Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black ... Paint it black - The rolling stones امضا : نگار 1373 قبلی 1 2 اول قبلی 2 از 2 رفتن به صفحه رفتن شما برای پاسخدادن باید به انجمن ورود کنید.
Your browser does not support the audio element. We’re leaving together But still it’s farewell And maybe we’ll come back To earth who can tell I guess there is no one to blame We’re leaving ground ? ...Will things ever be the same again Final countdown - Europe امضا : نگار 1373
نگار 1373 نویسنده انجمن نویسنده انجمن تاریخ ثبتنام 3/9/17 ارسالیها 1,166 پسندها 19,447 امتیازها 41,073 مدالها 24 سطح 25 دوشنبه ساعت 18:10 #12 Your browser does not support the audio element. Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black ... Paint it black - The rolling stones امضا : نگار 1373
Your browser does not support the audio element. Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black ... Paint it black - The rolling stones امضا : نگار 1373