- تاریخ ثبتنام
- 6/1/22
- ارسالیها
- 13,927
- پسندها
- 49,925
- امتیازها
- 96,908
- مدالها
- 162
- نویسنده موضوع
- مدیر
- #1
Sentient Civil War Memorial Statue

Special Containment Procedures
Item SCP-011 and the area surrounding it are to be cleaned once every day. For safety purposes, cleaning should start at least 30 minutes after sundown. Cleaning should always be performed by at least two (2) personnel, who are also advised to note anything unusual about the item or the debris cleaned up. In a situation...
لطفا برای مشاهده کامل مطالب در انجمن ثبت نام کنید.